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B2B Vault expands, rebrands as Biz-to-Biz Podcast

Allen Kopelman

Allen Kopelman's Biz to Biz Podcast

Forbes Business Council

B2B Vault, produced by Allen Kopelman, expands reach and rebrands for a growing, diversified base of viewers and listeners.

In 2024, we will invite more guests to our show to discuss why they started their business, why it is their passion and what problems they solve.
— Allen Kopelman
FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, November 28, 2023 / -- B2B Vault, a podcast series produced by Allen Kopelman, CEO and co-founder of Nationwide Payments Systems, has evolved in response to a growing and increasingly diversified base of viewers and listeners. After debuting in 2020 as B2B Vault: The Payment Technology Podcast, co-hosts Allen Kopelman and Justin Owings saw the show grow exponentially as listeners from different regions and industries tuned into the show on Apple, YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music, SoundCloud, TikTok, and other leading podcast streaming platforms.

Crediting B2B Vault’s success to its loyal and highly vocal followers, Kopelman said the rebranding was a direct result of listener input and participation.

“Soon after we started the B2B Vault podcast, we expanded beyond payments and fintech to a broader range of subjects, which made this rebranding a no-brainer,” Kopelman said. “In 2024, we will invite more guests to our show to discuss why they started their business, why it is their passion and what problems they solve.”

Passion for excellence

Kopelman, an active member of the Forbes Business Council, payments industry leader and former executive chef, brings 20 years of business experience to the show, sharing insights, knowledge and important updates on payments industry, entrepreneurship, and fintech trends.

“People ask why I started the B2B Vault podcast,” Kopelman said. “Like most entrepreneurs, I find people listen more than they read and I wanted to reach my audience. Podcasts are a great way to share useful information with business owners.”

Kopelman further noted that he wanted a podcast that stood out and provided information that was valuable to business owners, noting that B2B Vault is an educational, commercial-free series focused on news, product knowledge, industry solutions, and challenges and opportunities facing small and midsize business owners.

For more information about subscribing or appearing on the B2B Vault, visit

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Allen Kopelman's Biz to Biz Podcast

Forbes Business Council

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Distribution channels: Business & Economy, Companies, Retail, Social Media, Technology