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Ski New Mexico keeps up with high tech

Mike Smith
El Rito Media

A chance to win $1,000 in new ski or snowboarding equipment through social media and a new website are two ways Ski New Mexico is using modern technology to promote the sport in the state, according to Executive Director Christy Germscheid.

Ski New Mexico is asking skiers and riders to use the hashtag #skiandrideNM and tag the skiing group on Instagram or Facebook to enter the ski gear contest, which started Dec. 14 and ends March 23. Skiers can also enter the contest by subscribing to Ski New Mexico’s newsletter on the website.

“It’s a really fun opportunity to get a new (snow) setup and increase visual assets with Ski New Mexico,” Germscheid said.

Germscheid said the winner has a choice of taking home either a new ski kit that includes skis, poles and bindings or a snowboard kit that includes the board and bindings.

“(Next) fall is when you get the new gear,” she said.

Website modernized

Germscheid said Ski New Mexico’s new website was launched in November of last year after not being updated for 15 years.

“It was antiquated with today’s visuals” and the relaunch was conducted “from the ground up,” she said.

Germscheid said the website offers the latest snow reports from New Mexico’s ski resorts along with views from web cameras placed at strategic locations on ski trails.

She said the website features local information for the state’s ski communities.

“There’s a general information area as well. There are blogs that are put out during the winter under the news section,” Germscheid said.

The site also offers a new online store where skiers can purchase clothing items with the Ski New Mexico logo, she said.

Conditions improving

Germscheid said a winter storm that hit northern New Mexico last weekend provided a boost for ski areas as some received anywhere from 4 to 17 inches of new snow.

Additional snow was forecast for northern New Mexico this weekend, forecaster Julien Ross reported on Tuesday, March 11.

“Friday will have blizzard conditions in the northern high country, and we will see ongoing snow showers through Saturday,” he noted.

Germscheid said the additional snow could prolong skiing in some areas. She said Taos Ski Valley was set to close April 7 and Sipapu had 17 inches from last Saturday’s storm.

“They could stay open late. Sipapu has a little more flexibility,” she said.

Here are reported New Mexico skiing conditions as of March 11.
(Information provided by Ski New Mexico)

Angel Fire had a base depth of 25 inches with 47 of 86 trails open and 7 of 7 lifts open.

Pajarito Mountain had a base depth of 10 inches with 25 of 53 trails open and 3 of 6 lifts open.

Red River had a base depth of 24 inches with 46 of 64 trails open and 7 of 7 lifts open.

Sipapu had a base depth of 20 inches with 21 of 44 trails open and 4 of 6 lifts open.

Ski Apache had a base depth of 10 inches with 1 of 55 trails open and 2 of 8 lifts open.

Ski Santa Fe had a base depth of 38 inches with 80 of 90 trails open and 6 of 7 lifts open.

Note: Snow conditions can change after this report is compiled.

Mike Smith can be reached at 575-308-8734 or email at